Engineering Management

Managing remote teams is only different in one way

You’re Not Managing a Team of Software Engineers, You’re Managing a Team of Writers

What Managers Need to Know About Social Tools

Why People Dislike Really Smart Leaders

‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups

6 Lessons I learned while implementing technical RFCs as a decision making tool
Engineering management may be the most unnatural act of all

How Facebook Tries to Prevent Office Politics

The Principles of Quantum Team Management

Moving a team from Scala to Golang
What Happened When Venture Capitalists Took Over the Golden State Warriors

How About Code Reviews? — Several People Are Coding — Medium
This 90-Day Plan Turns Engineers into Remarkable Managers

Dream Teams

The Discipline of Teams

This Is What Impactful Engineering Leadership Looks Like

Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others
The New Science of Building Great Teams