The acute suicide crisis among veterinarians

You're Not Going to Make It

The key to depression, obesity, alcoholism – and more? Why the vagus nerve is so exciting to scientists

Doing Dishes Is the Worst

Unlearning Perfectionism
Parents Are Not Okay

Only Your Boss Can Cure Your Burnout

Why burnout won’t go away, even as life returns to ‘normal’

How Japanese People Stay Fit for Life, Without Ever Visiting a Gym

The empty promises of Marie Kondo and the craze for minimalism

I Became a Cyborg to Manage My Chronic Pain

Science Confirms That the Vagus Nerve Is Key to Well-being

Are There Benefits to Drinking Kombucha?

Who Killed the Weekend?

The Sound of Silence

I work with kids. Here’s why they’re consumed with anxiety.

Why the quickest route to happiness may be to do nothing

The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting

How Goop’s Haters Made Gwyneth Paltrow’s Company Worth $250 Million

Doing Dishes Is the Worst

Smartphone Detox

Rock Climber Alex Honnold Loves Cookie Dough, Wants to Wash Your Dishes

How I cured my tech fatigue by ditching feeds

When It’s Good to Be Antisocial

Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime

The Benefits of Talking to Yourself

My Fully Optimized Life Allows Me Ample Time to Optimize Yours


Breathe. Exhale. Repeat

Don’t floss, peel veg or wash your jeans

Hunger is psychological – and dieting only makes it worse

5 reasons why you need to get in shape now — before it’s too late

Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science

Being a good parent will physiologically destroy you, new research confirms

Do You Feel Pressure Or Do You Apply Pressure?

Coloring books are suddenly catching on with adults

Can Reading Make You Happier?

What Is Fatigue?

The Real Roots of Midlife Crisis
Against Productivity


Relax! You’ll Be More Productive

The Island Where People Forget to Die