Taco Bell’s Innovation Kitchen, the Front Line in the Stunt-Food Wars

How the Air Fryer Crisped Its Way Into America’s Heart

Annie's Mac and Cheese is based in the Bay Area, but Annie is not. Here's her story.

Chronicles of a Bubble-Tea Addict

Overnight Pizza and The Consistent Unreliability of Expert Guidelines

Why the World Is Becoming More Allergic to Food

The Selling of the Avocado
A History of Pizza

In the Future, Everything Will Be Made of Chickpeas

Why Sweetgreen thinks like a tech company

No, LaCroix Isn’t Poisoning You Like You’re A Giant Cockroach

Ranch Nation

How ice cream made America

The Impossible Burger

A Social History of Jell-O Salad
There's a Massive Restaurant Industry Bubble, and It's About to Burst

Quinoa Is the New Big Mac

A Brief History Of Food Emoji

The $5 Billion Battle For The American Dinner Plate

Can hipsters stomach the unpalatable truth about avocado toast?

A Renegade Muscles In on Mister Softee’s Turf
Why the Calorie Is Broken

In Defense of Food and the Rise of ‘Healthy-ish’

How to Make a Potato Chip That Tastes Like a Sandwich

The Dark Side of Almond Use
What to Eat After the Apocalypse
What Kids Around the World Eat for Breakfast (Published 2014)

The McRib
How Bacon and Eggs Became the American Breakfast