QR codes

8 annoying A/B testing mistakes every engineer should know
Hashtag Octothorpe
Diary of a Brand

Porn, Piracy, Fraud

The Rise of Influencer Capital

A/B testing can be a part of your product development process — but only a part
Meet the guy behind RadioShack’s horny Twitter account

Is MrBeast for Real? Inside the Outrageous World of YouTube’s Cash-Happy Stunt King

Shameless Work Influencers Are the Bane of LinkedIn

How your mobile carrier makes money off some of your most sensitive data

Disinformation For Hire

How MeUndies built a $32 million company by making buying underwear an experience
Animated QR data transfer with Gomobile and Gopherjs · divan's blog
The Strange Brands in Your Instagram Feed

How the internet keeps poor people in poor neighborhoods

While We Weren’t Looking, Snapchat Revolutionized Social Networks

MailChimp and the Un-Silicon Valley Way to Make It as a Start-Up

The Feed Is Dying

Everything the tech world says about marketing is wrong

Facebook Reveals The Secrets Behind "M," Its Artificial Intelligence Bot

How to Make it On Social Media Without Really Trying

The Internet's Original Sin
UNICEF says Facebook 'likes' won't save children's lives

The Filter Bubble