Decoding small QR codes by hand
8 annoying A/B testing mistakes every engineer should know
ChatGPT Is Already Obsolete

Prompt Engineering

Principal Component Analysis explained visually

Why Statistics Don’t Capture The Full Extent Of The Systemic Bias In Policing

COVID-19 Cases Are Rising, So Why Are Deaths Flatlining?

Stop letting the data decide

Turning brain signals into useful information

Exploring Histograms, an essay by Aran Lunzer and Amelia McNamara

How to Call B.S. on Big Data

How to Call B.S. on Big Data

Practical advice for analysis of large, complex data sets

How Big Data Creates False Confidence

Bayes's Theorem

The most misleading charts of 2015, fixed

Using Spotify to measure the popularity of older music

Science Isn’t Broken

How Not to Drown in Numbers

The Statistical Crisis in Science
Cause And Effect

How to write a PhD thesis your committee will NOT approve
Scientific Data Has Become So Complex, We Have to Invent New Math to Deal With It

This Data Scientist Spent A Year Deep Inside The New York Times. Here's What He Discovered. — The Content Strategist
