
This website showcases a story map that focuses on the impact of urbanization on bird populations in North America. The story map utilizes interactive maps, charts, and photographs to illustrate the decline of bird populations in various urban areas. It highlights the threats that urbanization poses to bird habitats, such as loss of nesting sites and food sources. The story map also explores solutions and initiatives that aim to mitigate these impacts, including creating bird-friendly urban design and promoting conservation efforts. Overall, this story map provides a comprehensive visual representation of the challenges faced by bird populations in urban areas and offers potential strategies to address these issues.
storytelling ꞏ interactive maps ꞏ geospatial data ꞏ data visualization ꞏ cartography ꞏ spatial analysis ꞏ geographic information systems ꞏ gis ꞏ digital storytelling ꞏ narrative ꞏ geography ꞏ location-based storytelling ꞏ story mapping ꞏ data-driven storytelling ꞏ narrative mapping ꞏ storytelling with maps ꞏ geographic storytelling ꞏ storytelling techniques ꞏ map design ꞏ map storytelling ꞏ data storytelling ꞏ data journalism ꞏ storytelling tools ꞏ data interpretation ꞏ visual storytelling ꞏ storytelling platforms ꞏ mapping technology ꞏ storytelling in education ꞏ data analysis ꞏ spatial storytelling ꞏ mapping software ꞏ narrative visualization ꞏ information design ꞏ storytelling in healthcare ꞏ story-driven maps ꞏ storytelling in urban planning ꞏ storytelling in environmental science ꞏ storytelling in history ꞏ storytelling in tourism ꞏ storytelling in conservation ꞏ storytelling in disaster management ꞏ storytelling in social sciences ꞏ storytelling in transportation planning ꞏ narrative cartography ꞏ storytelling in archaeology ꞏ storytelling in public health