On the Slow Productivity of John Wick

OKRs will never be enough

Inside the Growing Discontent Behind Nintendo’s Fun Facade

Say Goodbye to Your Manager

Embrace the Grind

How the Japanese are putting an end to extreme work weeks

Workism Is Making Americans Miserable

Who Killed the Weekend?

Far from making them obsolete, the flatter business organisations of today need managers more than ever but in new ways

Engineering Management

Don’t work “remotely”
Why your desk job is so damn exhausting

Performance Reviews Are a Waste of Time
When Does Work Actually Get Done?

The compelling case for working a lot less

Effective Collaboration

Why Good People Leave Large Tech Companies

A quick guide to Stripe’s culture

It took a century to create the weekend—and only a decade to undo it

My Fully Optimized Life Allows Me Ample Time to Optimize Yours

Why do we work so hard?
Fuck You Startup World

Engineering management may be the most unnatural act of all

Tech workers think Silicon Valley and startups are losing their luster

The role of cadence and ritual at work

Tough News
Whatever you do, don’t quit your job to pursue your passion

Inside Superstar Machine, Which Ex-Members Say Is a Cult Preying on New York’s Creative Women [UPDATED]

Professional corner-cutting

The Weird Redemption of SF’s Most Reviled Tech Bro — Backchannel
Open Sourcers Race to Build Better Versions of Slack

Rising to Your Level of Misery at Work

Dream Teams

Marissa Mayer’s Yahoo is a case study in the toxic nature of stack ranking

Against Productivity

The Art of Not Working at Work
Productivity And The Education Delusion

Relax! You’ll Be More Productive

A Part-Time Life, as Hours Shrink and Shift