Why does sleep become more elusive as we age? It has to do with shifts in "sleep architecture"

“We Have 30 Extra Years”

Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in Learning How to Reverse Aging

How Long Can We Live?

How Japanese People Stay Fit for Life, Without Ever Visiting a Gym

Drink Seltzer, Live Forever

Regular Exercise May Keep Your Body 30 Years ‘Younger’

The healthiest people in the world don’t go to the gym

Preventing Muscle Loss as We Age

Drugs that kill off old cells may limit a body’s aging

Finding Meaning and Happiness in Old Age

Eating Leafy Greens Each Day Tied to Sharper Memory, Slower Decline

Training Your Brain So That You Don’t Need Reading Glasses

The secret to a long and healthy life? Eat less

Why Aging Research Is Taking Off

The Right Way to Fall

How to Become a ‘Superager’

Google wants to use naked mole rats to find the secret to slow aging

Adding ages

Some Good Cities to Grow Old In
5 reasons why you need to get in shape now — before it’s too late

Why Aging Isn’t Inevitable

Aging Runners Find Help for a Question

What Old Age Is Really Like

Live for ever

What if Age Is Nothing but a Mind-Set?
Why I Hope to Die at 75


Practical Immortality – If Age Is a Disease, Can We Cure it?

That Daily Shower Can Be a Killer

The Island Where People Forget to Die