Why does sleep become more elusive as we age? It has to do with shifts in "sleep architecture"
not a very satisfying article as an answer to its own title.
the article walks a fine line between "you should sleep more, even as you age" and "as you age sleep becomes harder because ...".
one clear takeaway is that you shouldn't take sleep for granted and assume you need a LOT less sleep as you age. just like the advice to not sleep in on the weekends to protect your sleep schedule, you can apply the same logic to sleep as you age and be thouhgthful about your naps and other aspects of ageing that might get you off a healthy sleep schedule.
This article delves into the reasons why sleep tends to become more difficult with age. It discusses how changes in sleep architecture, such as a decrease in deep sleep and an increase in wakefulness during the night, contribute to this phenomenon. The article also explores the impact of factors like medical conditions, medication use, and lifestyle changes on sleep patterns in older adults. It suggests strategies to improve sleep quality in older age, including maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing the sleep environment. By shedding light on the shifts in sleep patterns that come with aging, this article aims to provide insights into addressing age-related sleep challenges.