Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?

A.I. Is Coming for Lawyers, Again

AI Homework

Google’s AI Experts Try to Automate Themselves

Firm Led by Google Veterans Uses A.I. to ‘Nudge’ Workers Toward Happiness

Y Combinator Learns Basic Income Is Not So Basic After All

Why the world should adopt a basic income

The Real Future of Work

You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think

The Great Tech Panic

Is Productivity Growth Becoming Irrelevant?

Why Are Coding Bootcamps Going Out of Business?

As Amazon purchases Whole Foods, don’t fear for the cashier. Fear for the supermarket

A world without retirement

Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race for American Jobs


The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class

The Great A.I. Awakening

Robots could replace 1.7 million American truckers in the next decade

Forget Doomsday AI—Google Is Worried about Housekeeping Bots Gone Bad

Deep Learning Is Going to Teach Us All the Lesson of Our Lives

A Rising Call to Promote STEM Education and Cut Liberal Arts Funding
Why So Many Ideas Are Pitched as ‘Uber for X’

Can an Arcane Crypto Ledger Replace Uber, Spotify and AirBnB?

essay | The fears, promises, and potentials of AI super-intelligence
Tomorrow’s Advance Man

What If Everybody Didn't Have to Work to Get Paid?

The AI Revolution

Exploring The Epic Chess Match Of Our Time

My day as a robot

The Myth of America's Tech-Talent Shortage
Future Politics