Who Decides What a Champion Should Wear?

The little search engine that couldn’t

Why Do Runners Still Race With Paper Pinned to Their Shirts?

What is Chess? What to think and how long for — Alex Crompton

thought leaders and chicken sexers
How I Became a Poker Champion in One Year

Amazon’s HQ2 Spectacle Isn’t Just Shameful—It Should Be Illegal

Why Google Fiber Is High-Speed Internet’s Most Successful Failure

The Unique Neurology of the Sports Fan’s Brain

American tech giants are making life tough for startups

The War To Sell You A Mattress Is An Internet Nightmare

A Renegade Muscles In on Mister Softee’s Turf
Too much of a good thing


How copyright law gives Amazon too much power over the book industry

Corporate America Hasn’t Been Disrupted

The Patent, Used as a Sword
The Amazon Effect
The Case for Abolishing Patents (Yes, All of Them)

The Hunger Games