How Platform Engineering Works

Ruby's Switch Statement is More Flexible Than You Thought

Prompt Engineering
Sep 11 The Power of “Yes, if”

Code vs. No-Code
CUPID—for joyful coding
Programmable Notes
No, your cryptocurrency cannot work

Building a JavaScript Testing Framework

What Gödel Discovered

How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator

The high cost of a free coding bootcamp

The 'No Code' Delusion

Build your own React

So you want to be a wizard
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names – With Examples

Nobody's just reading your code
Meet the Nerds Coding Their Way Through the Afghanistan War

The latest trend for tech interviews

Normalization of deviance
The Coming Software Apocalypse

Effective Collaboration

Top 10 ES6 features by example

The Myth of the Full Stack Developer…

Why Are Coding Bootcamps Going Out of Business?

A Look into NASA’s Coding Philosophy – Abner Coimbre – Medium

Let's Dev
Programming won't be automated, or it already has been


Finally understanding how references work in Android and Java

Progressive Web Apps with React.js

Why Computer Science Education in K-12 Settings Is Becoming Increasingly Essential

Moving a team from Scala to Golang
My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
These unlucky people have names that break computers

ES7 async functions - a step in the wrong direction
The Full Stack
The Deep Roots of Javascript Fatigue
We’re in a brave, new post open source world

React Native for Android
Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—And It's All in One Place

Pure UI
My Hardest Bug Ever
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