We’re in a brave, new post open source world

We’re in a brave, new post open source world
In this thought-provoking essay, the author discusses the evolving landscape of open-source software and the implications of the growing dominance of closed-source platforms. The article explores how the open-source movement has played a crucial role in shaping the digital world, with communities collaborating and contributing to freely accessible software. However, the author argues that the rise of closed-source platforms, controlled by a few powerful companies, is shifting the dynamics of software development and potentially limiting innovation. The author highlights the need for new approaches to foster openness, collaboration, and user empowerment in this post-open-source world.
open source ꞏ software development ꞏ technology ꞏ innovation ꞏ collaboration ꞏ community ꞏ digital revolution ꞏ coding ꞏ programming ꞏ open-source software ꞏ peer production ꞏ decentralized development ꞏ transparency ꞏ sharing economy ꞏ open knowledge ꞏ open access ꞏ intellectual property ꞏ sharing culture ꞏ disruptive technology ꞏ software industry ꞏ open innovation ꞏ digital commons ꞏ software licensing ꞏ software distribution ꞏ open data ꞏ open standards ꞏ digital transformation ꞏ open design ꞏ open science ꞏ open hardware ꞏ open government ꞏ open education ꞏ open internet ꞏ grassroots movement ꞏ digital democracy ꞏ creativity ꞏ free software ꞏ technological advancements ꞏ information sharing ꞏ social impact ꞏ decentralized governance ꞏ user-driven innovation ꞏ co-creation ꞏ open-source economy