The Cloud Is a Prison. Can the Local-First Software Movement Set Us Free?

Sep 11 The Power of “Yes, if”

Code vs. No-Code
Code quality
Ship / Show / Ask

The Law of Leaky Abstractions

The 'No Code' Delusion

So you want to be a wizard
How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human (Part One)

Effective Collaboration

The Myth of the Full Stack Developer…

In a nutshell, why do a lot of developers dislike Agile?
Programming won't be automated, or it already has been

How to Interview Engineers

Steinar H. Gunderson
Engineering management may be the most unnatural act of all

My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
The Deep Roots of Javascript Fatigue
The Verge

We’re in a brave, new post open source world

The end of app stores as we know them
Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—And It's All in One Place

My Hardest Bug Ever
It really is the future
Why we run an open source program - Twitter
The Rise of ``Worse is Better'' By Richard Gabriel
Why Free Software Is More Important Now Than Ever Before
Secrets, Schemes, and Lots of Guns

How a rogue appeals court wrecked the patent system