Decoding small QR codes by hand
The US library system, once the best in the world, faces death by a thousand cuts

Proper Documentation
The Internet Archive is defending its digital library in court today

DMVs Are Selling Your Data to Private Investigators

Animated QR data transfer with Gomobile and Gopherjs · divan's blog
Why decentralized social networking never makes it — ever heard of Crossing the Chasm?
What Managers Need to Know About Social Tools

‘The Intellectual Properties of Learning’

How the Internet Is Loosening Our Grip on the Truth
Running an All-hands
For Wikipedia’s Army of Volunteer Editors, Content Begets Content

How technology disrupted the truth

One Easy Way to Make Wikipedia Better


Facebook and the New Colonialism

We’re in a brave, new post open source world

The man who studies the spread of ignorance

How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service

Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet
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