Top 10 ES6 features by example

Top 10 ES6 features by example
This blog post highlights the top 10 features introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) through practical examples. It begins by explaining the significance of ES6 in modern JavaScript development and then proceeds to showcase various features such as arrow functions, template literals, block scope variables, and destructuring assignments. The post provides concise code snippets to demonstrate how each feature can be utilized to write cleaner and more efficient code. It also emphasizes the benefits of using ES6 features in terms of improved readability, maintainability, and reduced bugs. Overall, the post serves as a handy reference for developers looking to leverage the power of ES6 in their JavaScript projects.
es6 ꞏ ecmascript 6 ꞏ javascript ꞏ programming ꞏ web development ꞏ software development ꞏ coding ꞏ examples ꞏ features ꞏ arrow functions ꞏ template literals ꞏ let keyword ꞏ const keyword ꞏ classes ꞏ modules ꞏ destructuring ꞏ default parameters ꞏ rest parameters ꞏ spread operator ꞏ iterators ꞏ generators ꞏ promises ꞏ async/await ꞏ import/export ꞏ object shorthand ꞏ computed property names ꞏ block scope ꞏ lexical scope ꞏ default parameter values ꞏ destructuring assignment ꞏ let and const ꞏ symbol type ꞏ for...of loop ꞏ map and set data structures ꞏ proxy and reflect