It’s not in the interests of the ordinary person but it’s not a conspiracy either. A cashless society is a system run amok

The Cloud Is a Prison. Can the Local-First Software Movement Set Us Free?

How ‘radioactive data’ could help reveal malicious AIs

Taking Back Our Privacy

We Read 150 Privacy Policies. They Were an Incomprehensible Disaster.


Firefox’s fight for the future of the web

DMVs Are Selling Your Data to Private Investigators

Insights about the first five years of Right to Be Forgotten requests at Google

What Would You Pay to Keep Your Digital Footprint 100% Private?

Decentralized Social Networks Sound Great. Too Bad They’ll Never Work

Why Do Our Recorded Voices Sound Weird to Us?

How the internet keeps poor people in poor neighborhoods

The War on Cash

Why we should fear a cashless world

Snowden Warns World Against Trusting Privacy to Tech Giants Like Microsoft / Sputnik International
What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?

Why Apple’s fight with the FBI could have reverberations in China

Facebook and the New Colonialism


The Secret Life of Passwords

Personal Privacy Is Only One of the Costs of NSA Surveillance

One Startup's Struggle to Survive Silicon Valley's Gold Rush

Saving the Lost Art of Conversation

Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission’s accomplished
N.S.A. Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens
The Criminal N.S.A.

The Internet is a surveillance state
NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily