The Battle for the Soul of Buy Nothing

The Art of the Desk Setup

Inside the World of Buy Nothing, Where Dryer Lint Is a Hot Commodity


When Buying in Bulk Is a Mistake

The empty promises of Marie Kondo and the craze for minimalism

Why Do All Websites Look the Same?

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Frank Chimero · Everything Easy is Hard Again
My Fully Optimized Life Allows Me Ample Time to Optimize Yours

The Tiny-House Revolution Goes Huge
Please, Please Clean Your Room

I moved to the US 7 years ago from Finland — here's what Americans don't understand about Nordic countries

The Scold

Pure UI
Portable, solar-powered ecocapsules mean you can live rent- and electric-bill free, globally

Can Oregon's tiny houses be part of the solution to homelessness?

The Weird Way Facebook and Instagram Are Making Us Happier

The Rise of ``Worse is Better'' By Richard Gabriel
Living Simply in a Dumpster

Freedom in 704 Square Feet
Thomas Was Alone

Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett, New Edition