Rethinking the Luddites in the Age of A.I.

I Called Off My Wedding. The Internet Will Never Forget

Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books
Reading Ourselves to Death

Maybe You Missed It, but the Internet ‘Died’ Five Years Ago

I asked my students to turn in their cell phones and write about living without them

The Age of Instagram Face

What the Hell is Going On? — David Perell

Reading in the Age of Constant Distraction

The screen time debate is pitting parents against each other

Why social media is friend to far-right politicians around the world

A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley


Peter Thiel Is a Flawed Messenger With a Crucial Message for Tech

Too Much Netflix, Not Enough Chill

In the time you spend on social media each year, you could read 200 books

Tech is distracting and addictive, but it doesn’t have to be

If Everything Can Be ‘Weaponized,’ What Should We Fear?



Authenticity in the Age of the Fake

The Binge Breaker

How the Internet Is Loosening Our Grip on the Truth
How technology disrupted the truth

Period. Full Stop. Point. Whatever It’s Called, It’s Going Out of Style
The Feed Is Dying


Get A Grip On Your Information Overload With 'Infomagical'
The Triumph of Email

Humans of New York and the Cavalier Consumption of Others

A Eulogy for the Long, Intimate Email
The future of loneliness

The Weird Way Facebook and Instagram Are Making Us Happier

The Limits of Friendship

Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet
Neil Gaiman

When the Nerds Go Marching In
In Mark Zuckerberg's world, lying is the only way to be yourself