OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be
OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be
Silicon Valley Abandons the Culture That Made It the Envy of the World
Silicon Valley Abandons the Culture That Made It the Envy of the World
Is Venture Capital Worth the Risk?
Is Venture Capital Worth the Risk?
Four Years in Startups
Four Years in Startups
How Gusto Built Scalable Hiring Practices Rooted in Tradition
How Gusto Built Scalable Hiring Practices Rooted in Tradition
Y Combinator Learns Basic Income Is Not So Basic After All
Y Combinator Learns Basic Income Is Not So Basic After All
My Cofounder Said “I love what we’re doing” And We Shut Down Our Startup
My Cofounder Said “I love what we’re doing” And We Shut Down Our Startup
The Other Tech Bubble
The Other Tech Bubble
‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups
‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups
Life Inside the RVs of Silicon Valley
Life Inside the RVs of Silicon Valley
‘We Almost Have Riots’
‘We Almost Have Riots’
Fuck You Startup World
Fuck You Startup World
The Power of the Elastic Product Team — Airbnb’s First PM on How to Build Your Own
The Power of the Elastic Product Team — Airbnb’s First PM on How to Build Your Own
Recommendations for Startup Employee Option Plans
Recommendations for Startup Employee Option Plans
Tech workers think Silicon Valley and startups are losing their luster
Tech workers think Silicon Valley and startups are losing their luster
The Lack of Options for (Startup Employees’) Options
The Lack of Options for (Startup Employees’) Options
One of the founders of Android is starting an education company inside Google
One of the founders of Android is starting an education company inside Google
Phoenix Focuses on Rebuilding Downtown, Wooing Silicon Valley
Phoenix Focuses on Rebuilding Downtown, Wooing Silicon Valley
Who comes up with a $700 Wi-Fi-connected juicer?
Who comes up with a $700 Wi-Fi-connected juicer?
Everything the tech world says about marketing is wrong
Everything the tech world says about marketing is wrong
The Weird Redemption of SF’s Most Reviled Tech Bro — Backchannel
The Weird Redemption of SF’s Most Reviled Tech Bro — Backchannel
Open Sourcers Race to Build Better Versions of Slack
Open Sourcers Race to Build Better Versions of Slack
Extending Stock Option Exercise Window Guide — Triplebyte Blog — Medium
Extending Stock Option Exercise Window Guide — Triplebyte Blog — Medium
A Long Game
A Long Game
What’s eating Silicon Valley
What’s eating Silicon Valley
Paul Graham has accidentally explained everything wrong with Silicon Valley’s world view
Paul Graham has accidentally explained everything wrong with Silicon Valley’s world view
An open letter to Paul Graham — NewCo — Medium
An open letter to Paul Graham — NewCo — Medium
Facebook Reveals The Secrets Behind "M," Its Artificial Intelligence Bot
Facebook Reveals The Secrets Behind "M," Its Artificial Intelligence Bot
The Upside of a Downturn in Silicon Valley
The Upside of a Downturn in Silicon Valley
East Of Palo Alto’s Eden
East Of Palo Alto’s Eden
How to Be an Expert in a Changing World
How to Be an Expert in a Changing World
The Most Fascinating Profile You'll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup
The Most Fascinating Profile You'll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup