Many scientists see fusion as the future of energy – and they're betting big.


India’s DNA COVID vaccine is a world first – more are coming

How ancient people fell in love with bread, beer and other carbs

Dark Matter

Quantum Double-Slit Experiment Offers Hope for Earth-Size Telescope

How Science Beat the Virus

How Pandemics Change History

A neural net solves the three-body problem 100 million times faster

Got Impossible Milk? The Quest for Lab-Made Dairy

It’s 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning

A Different Kind of Theory of Everything

Why Jupyter is data scientists’ computational notebook of choice

No death and an enhanced life


The new food

The Scientific Paper Is Obsolete

Crispr’d Food, Coming Soon to a Supermarket Near You

How flashing lights and pink noise might banish Alzheimer’s, improve memory and more

Why an Old Theory of Everything Is Gaining New Life

How to see a memory

Two Stars Slammed Into Each Other And Solved Half Of Astronomy’s Problems. What Comes Next?

Yale Professors Race Google and IBM to the First Quantum Computer

New Gravitational Wave Detection From Colliding Black Holes

Chaos Makes the Multiverse Unnecessary

No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible Exit

A brief medical history of farting
Through the Looking Glass

The Long-Awaited Promise of a Programmable Quantum Computer

Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory
The Gene Hackers

Open Season Is Seen in Gene Editing of Animals
Einstein’s First Proof

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A Dying Young Woman’s Hope in Cryonics and a Future

Science Isn’t Broken

The AI Revolution

Throwback Thursday

New Clock May End Time As We Know It

Scientists’ Excitement Over Inflation Comes Crashing Down
A Star in a Bottle

Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science

'Ghost Particles' In Antarctica Offer Glimpse Of Deep Space