How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics

Surprise Computer Science Proof Stuns Mathematicians

These odd values were long dismissed as bookkeeping. Now physicists are proving that they describe the hidden shape of nature

Elegant Six-Page Proof Reveals the Emergence of Random Structure

Father-Son Team Solves Geometry Problem With Infinite Folds

Matrix Multiplication Inches Closer to Mythic Goal

Principal Component Analysis explained visually

The neural network of the Stockfish chess engine

The Book of Why

An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms

After Centuries, a Seemingly Simple Math Problem Gets an Exact Solution

Landmark Computer Science Proof Cascades Through Physics and Math

Neutrinos Lead to Unexpected Discovery in Basic Math

A neural net solves the three-body problem 100 million times faster

The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature

Scientists discover more than 600 new periodic orbits of the famous three-body problem

First Support for a Physics Theory of Life

Bayes's Theorem

Scientific Data Has Become So Complex, We Have to Invent New Math to Deal With It

Who Can Name the Bigger Number?
Pixar's Senior Scientist explains how math makes the movies and games we love