A 'Second Tree of Life' Could Wreak Havoc, Scientists Warn

Gene Therapy Allows an 11-Year-Old Boy to Hear for the First Time

Miguel Ángel Perales, oncologist

How a DNA ‘Parasite’ May Have Fragmented Our Genes

This genetically engineered houseplant does the air-purifying work of 30 plants
The Complex Truth About ‘Junk DNA’

Text Adventures

I Biohacked for 10 Weeks to Try to Live Forever

The Gene Drive Dilemma

Got Impossible Milk? The Quest for Lab-Made Dairy

It’s 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning

Want to live for ever? Flush out your zombie cells

The Responsibility of Immortality

No death and an enhanced life

Crispr’d Food, Coming Soon to a Supermarket Near You

The Next Best Version of Me

CRISPR in 2018

CRISPR Can Now Edit Genes Using Nanoparticles Instead of Viruses

Crispr's Next Big Debate

Silicon Valley Would Rather Cure Death Than Make Life Worth Living

The Long-Shot Bid to Put Crispr in the Hands of the People

CRISPR will be a huge story in 2017. Here are 7 things to look for.

Scientists Say the Clock of Aging May Be Reversible

Inside the Frozen Zoo That Could Bring Extinct Animals Back to Life

Adding ages

First CRISPR trial in humans will attempt to battle lung cancer
Breakthrough method means CRISPR just got a lot more relevant to human health

‘Minimal’ cell raises stakes in race to harness synthetic life

Super-Intelligent Humans Are Coming

The Gene Hackers

The Crispr Quandary
essay | The fears, promises, and potentials of AI super-intelligence
Open Season Is Seen in Gene Editing of Animals
A Dying Young Woman’s Hope in Cryonics and a Future

These Superhumans Are Real and Their DNA Could Be Worth Billions

Why Our Genome and Technology Are Both Riddled With “Crawling Horrors”

Live for ever

Super-Intelligent Humans Are Coming
Tiny, Vast Windows Into Human DNA

Practical Immortality – If Age Is a Disease, Can We Cure it?

A Powerful New Way to Edit DNA
A Race to Save the Orange by Altering Its DNA
The Code of Life

Breakthrough study overturns theory of 'junk DNA' in genome
Building a $325,000 Burger