Ruby's Switch Statement is More Flexible Than You Thought

Understanding useMemo and useCallback

Programmable Notes
Code quality
No, your cryptocurrency cannot work

How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator

Deno is a Browser for Code

Little Languages
Nobody's just reading your code
Keep webpack Fast

Mental models
Normalization of deviance
Setting up Webpack, Babel and React from scratch, revisited · Muffin Man
How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human (Part One)

How to Improve a Legacy Codebase · Jacques Mattheij
React, Relay and GraphQL

Relay Modern
Best practices for Flow typing React components
Optimizing React Rendering (Part 1)

Do you really need immutable data?
Write Code to Rewrite Your Code

How About Code Reviews? — Several People Are Coding — Medium
Inline CSS at Khan Academy
A Gentle Primer on Reverse Engineering
What is PL research and how is it useful?
Metaprogramming in ES6
Browser Monitoring for
We have a problem with promises
Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM

Coding, Fast and Slow
What is type safety?
