You'd Be Happier Living Closer to Friends. Why Don't You?

On Aging Alone

Why Americans are rethinking where they want to live

A World Without Pain

The Art of Dying

The Quest for the Multigenerational City

Who Killed the Weekend?

Life on the Dirtiest Block in San Francisco


Silicon Valley Would Rather Cure Death Than Make Life Worth Living

Some Good Cities to Grow Old In
Being Mortal

What working in a nursing home taught me about life, death, and America’s cultural values

I moved to the US 7 years ago from Finland — here's what Americans don't understand about Nordic countries

What Old Age Is Really Like

Before I go

Why I Hope to Die at 75

We Are Entering the Age of Alzheimer's

A Life-or-Death Situation
How Doctors Die

The Island Where People Forget to Die