Why doesn't TypeScript properly type Object.keys?
How Platform Engineering Works

The Lone Banana Problem. Or, the new programming

Ruby's Switch Statement is More Flexible Than You Thought

A few words on Ruby's type annotations state
Prompt Engineering
Hillel Wayne
CUPID—for joyful coding
Programmable Notes
“It’s a bloodbath”

Code quality
No, your cryptocurrency cannot work

Algebraic Effects for React Developers

So you want to be a wizard
Little Languages
Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names – With Examples

Visual Programming - Why it’s a Bad Idea
Run less software
Nobody's just reading your code
Meet the Nerds Coding Their Way Through the Afghanistan War

The latest trend for tech interviews

Mental models
How JavaScript works

Formal Verification

Normalization of deviance
Engineering interviews
The Coming Software Apocalypse

The Myth of the Full Stack Developer…

Programming won't be automated, or it already has been

Best practices for Flow typing React components
Finally understanding how references work in Android and Java

Moving a team from Scala to Golang
Functors, Applicatives, and Monads in Plain English

My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
Strong vs Weak References
How About Code Reviews? — Several People Are Coding — Medium
Developing for Android II The Rules
ES7 async functions - a step in the wrong direction
The Full Stack
The Deep Roots of Javascript Fatigue
On asking job candidates to code
What is WebAssembly? The Dawn of a New Era

The convergence of compilers, build systems and package managers
A Gentle Primer on Reverse Engineering
What is PL research and how is it useful?
My Hardest Bug Ever
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