Solar Energy Solves Global Warming

The food we eat is destroying the climate — here’s how to fix it
Phantom Forests

Many scientists see fusion as the future of energy – and they're betting big.

Hustler at the end of the world

Ten Million a Year

The Climate Crisis Is Worse Than You Can Imagine. Here’s What Happens If You Try.

Under a White Sky

Earth’s New Gilded Era

A Crisis Right Now

Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong

How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong

The Anthropocene Is a Joke

Planting 1.2 Trillion Trees Could Cancel Out a Decade of CO2 Emissions, Scientists Find
How Big Business Is Hedging Against the Apocalypse (Published 2019)

The Disturbing Walrus Scene in Our Planet


The Oil Industry’s Covert Campaign to Rewrite American Car Emissions Rules

Losing Earth

Is it too late to save the world? Jonathan Franzen on one year of Trump's America

Dangerously Low on Water, Cape Town Now Faces ‘Day Zero’

How Much Food Do We Waste? Probably More Than You Think

The great nutrient collapse

I am an Arctic researcher. Donald Trump is deleting my citations

Spiking Temperatures in the Arctic Startle Scientists

West Antarctica Begins to Destabilize With ‘Intense Unbalanced Melting’

6 Scientists, 1,000 Miles, 1 Prize

The Point of No Return
Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says

Your meat addiction is destroying the planet

The inventor of everything

Cows might fly
Why did 28,000 rivers in China suddenly disappear?