How heat pumps of the 1800s are becoming the technology of the future
Solar Energy Solves Global Warming

How solar farms took over the California desert

The Regenerating Power of Big Basin’s Redwoods

Can We Make Bicycles Sustainable Again?

How drones are helping scientists locate endangered plants

You Don’t Know How Bad the Pizza Box Is

Lessons learned after living in an off-grid rental
This genetically engineered houseplant does the air-purifying work of 30 plants
The dirty road to clean energy

Phantom Forests

In California, Where Trees Are King, One Hardy Pine Has Survived for 4,800 Years

Many scientists see fusion as the future of energy – and they're betting big.

Ten Million a Year

How Psilocybin Can Save the Environment

The Great Barrier Reef’s Great Big Complicated Story

What a Toilet Can Do

The Dark Side of ‘Compostable’ Take-Out Containers

Silicon Valley Is One of the Most Polluted Places in the Country

The Quest for the Multigenerational City

Planting 1.2 Trillion Trees Could Cancel Out a Decade of CO2 Emissions, Scientists Find
The Disturbing Walrus Scene in Our Planet

As Costs Skyrocket, More U.S. Cities Stop Recycling


The Era Of Easy Recycling May Be Coming To An End

Willy Wonka and the Medical Software Factory

Why It’s Time to End Factory Farming


Losing Earth

The Last Butterfly

Recycling in the United States is in serious trouble. How does it work?
Four Years After Declaring War on Pollution, China Is Winning

The Population Bomb Has Been Defused

Dangerously Low on Water, Cape Town Now Faces ‘Day Zero’

How Much Food Do We Waste? Probably More Than You Think

Open Burns, Ill Winds

Offshore Wind Moves Into Energy’s Mainstream

Spiking Temperatures in the Arctic Startle Scientists

The Third Transportation Revolution

America’s First Offshore Wind Farm May Power Up a New Industry

Israel Proves the Desalination Era Is Here

As Wind Power Lifts Wyoming’s Fortunes, Coal Miners Are Left in the Dust
America! The Cyclist Is Not Your Enemy
Choking to Death in Detroit

I shower once a week. Here’s why you should too

The Bike Wars Are Over, and the Bikes Won

The Valley Below

Texas Sets New All-Time Wind Energy Record