Of course the attention economy is threatened by the Fediverse
The Big [Censored] Theory
How We Saved .ORG
We Read 150 Privacy Policies. They Were an Incomprehensible Disaster.
How Facebook Bought a Police Force
DMVs Are Selling Your Data to Private Investigators
How China Turned a City Into a Prison (Published 2019)
How China Walled Off the Internet (Published 2018)
What Would You Pay to Keep Your Digital Footprint 100% Private?
Facebook won the war for your mind. Now it wants your children.
Kremlin Cash Behind Billionaire’s Twitter and Facebook Investments
What the Repeal of Online Privacy Protections Means for You
How the internet keeps poor people in poor neighborhoods
Snowden Warns World Against Trusting Privacy to Tech Giants Like Microsoft / Sputnik International
What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?
Why Apple’s fight with the FBI could have reverberations in China
Facebook and the New Colonialism
How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years—and were found at last
How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle
New Rules in China Upset Western Tech Companies
The Dark Market for Personal Data
Out in the Open
Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet
Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission’s accomplished
N.S.A. Gathers Data on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens
Rage Against the Algorithms
In Defense of Leakers
The Criminal N.S.A.