Why are hyperlinks blue?

Why are hyperlinks blue?
This blog post delves into the history and reasoning behind the commonly used blue color for hyperlinks. It explains that the choice of blue as the default color for hyperlinks is not arbitrary, but has its roots in the early days of the web. The post traces the origins of blue hyperlinks back to the early web browsers, which used blue text to indicate clickable links. It also discusses the psychology behind the color choice, highlighting how blue can be perceived as trustworthy and familiar. Additionally, the article explores alternative color choices and the potential impact on user experience. Overall, it provides an insightful analysis of the reasons behind the prevalence of blue hyperlinks on the web.
hyperlinks ꞏ web design ꞏ user interface ꞏ user experience ꞏ web development ꞏ internet culture ꞏ hyperlink color ꞏ color psychology ꞏ color theory ꞏ visual communication ꞏ web browsing ꞏ website navigation ꞏ history of hyperlinks ꞏ design choices ꞏ usability ꞏ user engagement ꞏ link styling ꞏ color choice ꞏ human perception ꞏ web standards ꞏ graphic design ꞏ accessibility ꞏ color symbolism ꞏ color associations ꞏ web accessibility ꞏ user behavior ꞏ color contrast ꞏ link visibility ꞏ color perception ꞏ design trends ꞏ user interface design