How to get rid of gerrymandering
How Do We Change America?

How Trump Is Running to Snatch Victory From the Jaws of Defeat, Again

Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Because, this isn't just about trying to build a better ballot.

The hacking threat to the midterms is huge. And technology won’t protect us.

What’s Stronger Than a Blue Wave? Gerrymandered Districts

In Florida Recount, Sloppy Signatures Placed Thousands of Ballots in Limbo

Can the A.C.L.U. Become the N.R.A. for the Left?

Warren and Sanders

Why Americans Vote ‘Against Their Interest’


Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump

Why the Electoral College is the absolute worst, explained

Why Are US Presidential Elections So Close?

President Obama’s State of the Union Address — Remarks As Prepared for Delivery
Why can't you vote online?