Unit Tests Are Overrated

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Hillel Wayne
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The Law of Leaky Abstractions

The Therac-25 Incident

Engineering productivity can be measured - just not how you'd expect
Don’t Confuse a Bug’s Priority with its Severity

The 'No Code' Delusion


JIRA is an antipattern

Visual Programming - Why it’s a Bad Idea
Software Testing Anti-patterns · Codepipes Blog
Run less software
In a nutshell, why do a lot of developers dislike Agile?
A Look into NASA’s Coding Philosophy – Abner Coimbre – Medium

Eight Ways Your Android App Can STOP Leaking Memory
Steinar H. Gunderson
Moving a team from Scala to Golang
My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
The end of app stores as we know them
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The convergence of compilers, build systems and package managers
Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—And It's All in One Place

The Rise of ``Worse is Better'' By Richard Gabriel