Magic/Tragic Email Links: Don't make them the only option

Building Passwordless Email Auth in Rails: Magic links are less magical than you think

Putin’s Forever War

How Platform Engineering Works

Bruce Schneier’s Plan to Reinvent Democracy
Computer Scientists Achieve ‘Crown Jewel’ of Cryptography

SMS Multifactor Authentication in Antarctica

What Gödel Discovered

Quantum Cryptography vs Post-Quantum Cryptography
What to do once you admit that decentralizing everything never seems to work


Bitcoin Is Ridiculous. Blockchain Is Dangerous

The Risk of Nuclear War with North Korea

Introducing Istio
If Everything Can Be ‘Weaponized,’ What Should We Fear?

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?

The Real Danger of the Downed Russian Jet

The Ghost of Statistics Past
OAuth Has Ruined Everything
After Docker:Unikernels and Immutable Infrastructure
Personal Privacy Is Only One of the Costs of NSA Surveillance

CAPTCHAs Are Becoming Security Theater
NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers daily