Bruce Schneier’s Plan to Reinvent Democracy
The Forgotten Ron DeSantis Book

Unpacking Boris
On Five Fallacies I Have Encountered When Disccusing 100% Renewable Energy
History As End, by Matthew Karp

How Trump Is Running to Snatch Victory From the Jaws of Defeat, Again

The Philosopher Redefining Equality

Fintan O’Toole
Why Not Have a Randomly Selected Congress? ❧ Current Affairs

Getting Past the Dominance of the Nation State

The Political Process Isn’t Rigged — It Has Much Bigger Problems

America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny

Ten Ideas to Make Politics Less Rotten (Ep. 255)

Bernie Sanders
The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump


Russia and the Curse of Geography

Larry Lessig
Alive in the Sunshine

The End of Power