We can reduce homelessness if we follow the science on what works

Humanity’s broken risk perception is reversing global progress in a ‘spiral of self-destruction’, finds new UN report

How Do We Change America?

Is It Possible to Stop a Mass Shooting Before It Happens?

Can Washington Be Automated?

Why Does the U.S. Have So Many Mass Shootings? Research Is Clear

Why Not Have a Randomly Selected Congress? ❧ Current Affairs

History tells us what may happen next with Brexit & Trump

Ten Ideas to Make Politics Less Rotten (Ep. 255)

The tax man cometh, and California rich – getting richer – pay most
Lift the Ban! Kofi Annan on Why It's Time To Legalize Drugs

License to (Not) Drive

How to Fight Corruption With Game Theory
How Change Happens-- Or Doesn't