Ninth Dedekind Number Found by Two Independent Groups

Mathematicians Crack a Simple but Stubborn Class of Equations

These odd values were long dismissed as bookkeeping. Now physicists are proving that they describe the hidden shape of nature

Father-Son Team Solves Geometry Problem With Infinite Folds

Kurt Gödel, Vacuous Paradoxes and Self-Reference

Neutrinos Lead to Unexpected Discovery in Basic Math

How a Strange Grid Reveals Hidden Connections Between Simple Numbers

New Proof Shows Infinite Curves Come in Two Types

Mathematicians Bridge Finite-Infinite Divide

Quantum Physicists Attack the Riemann Hypothesis | Quanta Magazine

The Astounding Link Between the P≠NP Problem and the Quantum Nature of Universe

Mathematicians Discover Prime Conspiracy
Learning to Love Complex Numbers

Why Mathematicians Are Hoarding This Special Type of Japanese Chalk

The Twin Prime Hero

Fields Medals 2014

Who Can Name the Bigger Number?