How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics

Elegant Six-Page Proof Reveals the Emergence of Random Structure

Banach-Tarski and the Paradox of Infinite Cloning

Does the Universe have Higher Dimensions? Part 1

After Centuries, a Seemingly Simple Math Problem Gets an Exact Solution

Landmark Computer Science Proof Cascades Through Physics and Math

Neutrinos Lead to Unexpected Discovery in Basic Math

Where Quantum Probability Comes From

The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature

Why an Old Theory of Everything Is Gaining New Life

Scientists discover more than 600 new periodic orbits of the famous three-body problem

Quantum Physicists Attack the Riemann Hypothesis | Quanta Magazine

The Astounding Link Between the P≠NP Problem and the Quantum Nature of Universe