Rethinking the Luddites in the Age of A.I.

Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey?

Google’s AI Experts Try to Automate Themselves

If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours

Why the world should adopt a basic income

Is a Universal Basic Income a Good Idea?

Can Washington Be Automated?

You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think

Universal Basic Income and the Threat of Tyranny

The Great Tech Panic

As Amazon purchases Whole Foods, don’t fear for the cashier. Fear for the supermarket

Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race for American Jobs

The AI Threat Isn't Skynet. It's the End of the Middle Class

9 million American men in prime working age can’t find jobs. I’m one of them.

Robots could replace 1.7 million American truckers in the next decade

Forget Doomsday AI—Google Is Worried about Housekeeping Bots Gone Bad

Deep Learning Is Going to Teach Us All the Lesson of Our Lives

License to (Not) Drive

The AI Revolution

My day as a robot

Future Politics