Computer Scientists Achieve ‘Crown Jewel’ of Cryptography

How Do You Prove a Secret?

Claude Shannon

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis
Quantum Cryptography vs Post-Quantum Cryptography
Fountain codes and animated QR · divan's blog
Quantum computing is almost ready for business, startup says

What I believe II (ft. Sarah Constantin and Stacey Jeffery)
First Support for a Physics Theory of Life

A Theory of Consciousness Can Help Build a Theory of Everything

How Classical Cryptography Will Survive Quantum Computers

Scott Aaronson Answers Every Ridiculously Big Question I Throw at Him

Deeper Than Quantum Mechanics—David Deutsch’s New Theory of Reality

What It Means to Live in a Holographic Universe
How Two Men Unlocked Modern Encryption

Meet the Father of Digital Life
Is There Anything Beyond Quantum Computing?
Who Can Name the Bigger Number?
Programming the Universe
