A Look At The Slow, Silent Death of America’s Middle Class

Inside the World of Buy Nothing, Where Dryer Lint Is a Hot Commodity

America Is Running Out of Everything

Is Inequality Inevitable?

Y Combinator Learns Basic Income Is Not So Basic After All

Why the world should adopt a basic income

The Human Cost of the Ghost Economy

If you think basic income is "free money" or socialism, think again

Universal Basic Income and the Threat of Tyranny


A Tale of Two Americas

Bitcoin May Have Just Solved Its Scaling Problem

Why Can’t Americans Get a Raise?
America Is Getting a Raise, and Goldman Sachs Is Freaking Out About It

Basic Income in a Just Society

Income inequality today may be higher today than in any other era
Basic Income


Is Passive Investment Actively Hurting the Economy?


Why Are Corporations Hoarding Trillions?
Why I Don't Celebrate Income Inequality
Economic Inequality
What If Everybody Didn't Have to Work to Get Paid?

Basic Income Means Basic Freedom

Future Politics
The Self-Destruction of the 1 Percent