Autoenshittification (24 July 2023) – Pluralistic
The Fed’s Fight Against Inflation Could Cost Black Workers The Most

On Five Fallacies I Have Encountered When Disccusing 100% Renewable Energy
A Guide to Universal Basic Income

Joe Biden’s effort to heal the breach with Elizabeth Warren on bankruptcy, explained

Symbol of ’80s Greed Stands to Profit From Trump Tax Break for Poor Areas

I Worked at Capital One for Five Years. This Is How We Justified Piling Debt on Poor Customers.

The Golden Age of Rich People Not Paying Their Taxes

Amazon’s HQ2 Spectacle Isn’t Just Shameful—It Should Be Illegal

Why the world should adopt a basic income

Is a Universal Basic Income a Good Idea?

Generation Screwed
If you think basic income is "free money" or socialism, think again

Universal Basic Income and the Threat of Tyranny


America Is Getting a Raise, and Goldman Sachs Is Freaking Out About It

Here’s what happened when Iran introduced a basic income



Basic Income in a Just Society

What if you got $1,000 a month, just for being alive? I decided to find out.

The bizarre tale of President Nixon and his basic income bill
Basic Income

A Guaranteed Income for Every American
A Universal Basic Income Is a Poor Tool to Fight Poverty
What If We Just Gave Poor People a Basic Income for Life? That’s What We’re About to Test.

A Basic Income Is Smarter Than a Minimum Wage
A world of hidden wealth

Why Are Corporations Hoarding Trillions?



Why Are Corporations Hoarding Trillions?
What a $15 Minimum Wage Would Mean for Your City

What If Everybody Didn't Have to Work to Get Paid?

Money in the Bank

When Workers Own Their Companies, Everyone Wins

Basic Income Means Basic Freedom

If People Could Immigrate Anywhere, Would Poverty Be Eliminated?
Prison and the Poverty Trap

Future Politics
The Great Gatsby Curve