Unit Tests Are Overrated

The Future of Ops Is Platform Engineering

How Platform Engineering Works

All the Hard Stuff Nobody Talks About when Building Products with LLMs

A few words on Ruby's type annotations state
The accessibility tree
The Therac-25 Incident

What Gödel Discovered

How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator

So you want to be a wizard
Nobody's just reading your code
How JavaScript works

Formal Verification

Normalization of deviance
How to Improve a Legacy Codebase · Jacques Mattheij
React, Relay and GraphQL

Write Code to Rewrite Your Code

Finally understanding how references work in Android and Java

Progressive Web Apps with React.js

My Biggest Regret As A Programmer
Strong vs Weak References
Step by Step Guide To Building React Redux Apps

React AJAX Best Practices
A Gentle Primer on Reverse Engineering
My Hardest Bug Ever
what-happens-when/README.rst at master · alex/what-happens-when · GitHub
Browser Monitoring for GitHub.com
We have a problem with promises
Coding, Fast and Slow
What is type safety?
