Time Travel

Time Travel
This review examines the book 'Time Travel: Probability and Impossibility' by Alastair Wilson. The book explores the concept of time travel from a philosophical perspective, discussing various theories and paradoxes related to time travel. The reviewer highlights how Wilson delves into the nature of time and causality, addressing questions about the possibility and plausibility of time travel. Wilson's arguments are dissected, including his exploration of the Grandfather Paradox and the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle. The reviewer concludes that the book provides a comprehensive analysis of time travel and its philosophical implications, making it a valuable resource for those interested in the subject.
time travel ꞏ philosophy of time ꞏ time travel paradoxes ꞏ causality ꞏ possibility ꞏ impossibility ꞏ philosophy of science ꞏ time travel in literature ꞏ temporal paradoxes ꞏ time travel theories ꞏ philosophy of fiction ꞏ determinism ꞏ free will ꞏ philosophy of mind ꞏ metaphysics ꞏ philosophy of physics ꞏ time travel movies ꞏ time travel novels ꞏ philosophy of possibility ꞏ time travel and ethics ꞏ time travel and identity ꞏ metaphysical concepts ꞏ temporal ontology ꞏ time travel and causality ꞏ philosophy of imagination ꞏ speculative fiction ꞏ alternative timelines ꞏ temporal logic ꞏ philosophy of science fiction ꞏ time travel and morality ꞏ philosophy of technology ꞏ time travel in popular culture ꞏ thought experiments ꞏ contingency ꞏ time travel narratives ꞏ philosophy of time travel ꞏ ontology ꞏ counterfactuals ꞏ metaphysical possibility ꞏ philosophy of history ꞏ temporal experience ꞏ temporal asymmetry ꞏ temporal paradoxes in fiction