How Bad Is QWERTY, Really? A Review of the Literature, such as It Is

How Bad Is QWERTY, Really? A Review of the Literature, such as It Is




In this blog post, the author critically examines the widely held belief that the QWERTY keyboard layout is inefficient and hinders typing speed. The post provides a review of the available literature on the topic, delving into studies and opinions about the QWERTY layout. While there is a consensus that QWERTY has some shortcomings, the author argues that the layout's inefficiencies are often exaggerated. They discuss alternative keyboard layouts that have been proposed, such as Dvorak and Colemak, but also highlight the challenges and limitations in fully transitioning away from QWERTY. Overall, the post presents a balanced view of the QWERTY keyboard layout, highlighting the complexities involved in assessing its true impact.


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