Baltimore police will face charges for killing Freddie Gray. That's incredibly rare.

Baltimore police will face charges for killing Freddie Gray. That's incredibly rare.
This article from Vox examines the decision of a grand jury not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. It provides an overview of the events leading up to the grand jury's decision and highlights key details and arguments from both sides of the case. The article also delves into the larger issues of police violence, racial bias, and the protests that erupted following the shooting. It concludes by discussing the implications of the grand jury's decision and the ongoing conversations surrounding police accountability and racial justice in the United States.
ferguson ꞏ police ꞏ officer ꞏ prosecution ꞏ criminal justice ꞏ racial profiling ꞏ police brutality ꞏ protests ꞏ civil rights ꞏ racial discrimination ꞏ law enforcement ꞏ social justice ꞏ community policing ꞏ police accountability ꞏ grand jury ꞏ eric garner ꞏ michael brown ꞏ black lives matter ꞏ racial tension ꞏ systemic racism ꞏ police violence ꞏ judicial system ꞏ police misconduct ꞏ legal system ꞏ public outrage ꞏ racial divide ꞏ social inequality ꞏ community unrest ꞏ police shootings ꞏ ferguson unrest ꞏ criminal investigation ꞏ minority rights ꞏ racial injustice ꞏ legal proceedings ꞏ police reform ꞏ criminal charges ꞏ racial bias ꞏ social activism ꞏ racial disparities ꞏ police culture ꞏ riots ꞏ criminal trial ꞏ racial unrest ꞏ racial justice ꞏ court decision ꞏ police shooting incident ꞏ wrongful death ꞏ ferguson case