The Return of the King
The fate of Middle-earth hangs in the balance as the Dark Lord Sauron's armies prepare for their final assault. Frodo and Sam continue their perilous journey towards Mordor to destroy the One Ring, with the help (or hindrance) of the treacherous Gollum. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the Fellowship – Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli – join forces with the Rohirrim to defend the stronghold of Helm's Deep against the merciless onslaught of Saruman's uruk-hai army. The wizard Gandalf, newly returned, assembles the armies of the West to march against Sauron's legions, while the betrayal of the steward Denethor, and the inexplicable return of the long-vanished lord Aragorn, threaten to plunge the kingdom of Gondor into chaos. Will Frodo and Sam succeed in their quest to destroy the Ring, or will the Dark Lord Sauron succeed in subjugating all of Middle-earth beneath his shadowy dominion? The answer lies in the climactic, unforgettable climax to J.R.R. Tolkien's sweeping masterpiece.