Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon is a thrilling dive into mathematics, secrecy and intrigue across two timelines. In 1942, young Captain Lawrence Waterhouse and his detachment are working to keep the secret of the Allied Powers’ Enigma codebreaker from being discovered by the Nazis. Fast-forward to the present day, where Lawrence’s grandson Randy is intent on creating a place in Southeast Asia where digital data can be shared and stored without fear of censorship. But as Randy’s enterprise is threatened by government and corporate powers, he joins forces with Amy Shaftoe, granddaughter of Lawrence’s fellow Marine Raider, to uncover a vast conspiracy involving an unbreakable Nazi code called Arethusa. With stunning detail, Stephenson masterfully weaves together these two strands of cryptology history, revealing the enduring power of secrecy and the lengths people will go to maintain it. Cryptonomicon is a fascinating read for history buffs, technology enthusiasts, and anyone who loves a good mystery.