Coders at Work
Coders at Work is a collection of interviews with fifteen of the most accomplished programmers of our time on what goes on in the creation of software. From their early work in toy programming languages and high-school computer games to their adventures in building large-scale distributed systems, this book delves into the joys and travails of creating software that makes a real-world difference. With a focus on the day-to-day aspects of programming, Peter Seibel reveals what makes these expert programmers tick, covering their passions, philosophies, and their memories of times when things went wrong. Discover what drew Frances Allen to compilers, what Douglas Crockford thinks of JavaScript, and how Donald Knuth let a computer generate programs for him. With others such as Joe Armstrong inventing Erlang, Simon Peyton Jones co-inventing Haskell, Peter Norvig directing Google Research and Guy Steele co-inventing Scheme, these programmers offer insight into what is possible when you apply yourself and your intelligence to problems that are worth solving. Coders at Work is a unique book that showcases the human side of programming and brings to life the passion, the creativity, and the obsessions of those who write code for a living.